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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Edge2.180 Mantra – Part II

Edge on repeat, yet again, by continuing, prolonging the mantra theme..Boukor in Groningen & remote Jeroen in Leeuwarden continued their search for mantras and found more 70s psychedelic krautrock (Popol Vuh, Zweistein) and 00s electronica (John benj). Then the black metal of Liturgy was mixed live with Terry Riley’s minimalist chance music, a nice combination […]


Edge2.179 Mantra – Part I

A submission recorded by Arthur Elsenaar of Maksim Katsnelsona, a street musician playing in Central Park NYC, inspired us (Boukor & Jeroen) to follow up with some more mantric tracks. Accordeon (Pauline Oliveros) and guitar (Sunn O)))) drones, repetition of the word f### (Osho), (abbreviated radio edits of) the inevitable trance-inducing Indian sitar in traditional […]


Edge2.178 Freeform episode 8

This evening remote Jeroen and local Boukor decided it was time for another freeform edition of Edge. This meant we could give the floor to anything recorded, without having to find some link with a theme: we filled the ether with less and more obscure gems we found during our meticulous sonic searches, most of […]


Edge2.177 The (Human) Microphone – part 3

This week a pre-recorded edition of Edge with Boukor presenting some long classic experimental pieces, too long for an ordinary show. But as this is a home studio created episode such limitations are not in order. By passing the mic to the studio we conclude hereby the mic theme! Playlist: Alvin Lucier – I am […]
